Saturday, January 15, 2011

I have adopted in french...

I have decided to adopt another child. I have allready around 10 very nice children, out of which I have about 4 favorites. If you read a book about psychology, it will probably say, that it's wrong to play favorites with your children, but I don't care. The fact is, that not every child goes with every outfit... !So more about my newest adoption: It was simply love at first sight. She is beautiful, the right size, soft and black, and her name is Balenciaga!

When I saw her in Gallerie lafayette at 50% off, I knew (after a cup of coffee) that I had to take her home. So now she lives in my closet with all of her siblings, hopefully, happily ever after. The end!


  1. Hvis du bliver ved med sådanne historier så har du en fast læser i mig :)

  2. Kan mærke en lille sten på mine skuldre, men skal gøre mit bedste;-) Ha' en fantastisk søndag.
