Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Please think you are better than everybody else!

In Denmark we have this thing called "Janteloven", which is a code of conduct written in a book by the danish author Aksel Sandemose in 1933. It essentially says: "Don't think that you are special and do not think you are better that everybody else", and in my opinion more danes live by this conduct than than the ten commandments in the Bible (That's why the devorce rates are so high!). When I lived in Paris I tried to explain this very danish concept to my french friends, but they didn't go for it at all, and I probably should have expected this, as the french are not famous for their humbleness. I mean, where in the world do find people that:

1: Refuse to speak other languages than their own, and ignore your: Je ne comprend pas", taken from the huge parleur in your hand (Hello, why don't you understand that I just want new soles on these shoes that I'm showing you (!!!), and not to buy a license plate (more !!!!!!), for a car that I don't have. Why do they sell those at shoerepair-shops by the way?).

2: Go on strike at least 6 days a week, making the metroes so overcrowded that you accidentially crab a guy's very private parts instead of your bag (Yes, it happens).
Picture from Skyscraper City
3: Think that the only possible center of the universe, is France

Dispite this arrogance I still admire them for dressing up on a boring tuesday, refuse to give up their heels even if they have a broken leg, drink redwine at lunch and wear bright red lips just because they feel like it. They can really get away with everything. I study biochemisty at the University of Copenhagen, and in that crowd the coolest outfit is a T-shirt with a picture of you girlfriend/boyfriend - Yes, some people wear that! So when I show up with my Bayswater, Blahniks and black diamonds you are (wrongfully) diagnosed as a snob. However, the correct diagnosis is "stylish" and the treatment is high heels, red lips and lots of champagne - Vive la France.
Une vrai parisienne - Mademoiselle Poésy. Picture from The Daily Thread

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I understand now why you always insisted on taking the metro when it was crowded, even when you only had 200 meters to walk, and why you refused my help to carry your handbag!! ;)

    By the way, I don't know why, but I couldn't understand the rest of your message, I don't know this language. The only sentence which I got is the last one. What was it about???

    Bisous from your french friend ;)
