Tuesday, May 10, 2011

100 things I want to do before I die... #97

Guitar Hero

I would really like to learn how to play the guitar. It actually started on the evening of my graduation, where I had my 15 minutes of "primary school-fame", when I was seen talking to the cool guy at my school. He was sitting alone and playing the guitar - I was a bit tipsy/really drunk, and thought: How hard can it be to make music on a piece of wood with 6 strings? We got talking, and he agreed (or maybe my drunken-self forced him) to one day teach me how to play Tears in Heaven by Eric Clapton. However, we never got around to that, as I didn't dare to talk to him again.

When I meet monsieur boyfriend, he was the lead-singer/guitarist in the coolest rock band at my high-school, so I hoped I might get another chance to learn to master the instrument. Unfortunately, I later found out that he's left-handed, so now, more than 7 years later, we've only made it to "The wheels on the bus...". Never the less, that doesn't kill my ambitions, so if you know, if this guy gives private lessons, please let me know.

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